A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Such shocking news this morning, it's hard to put into words the disgust felt.

Heading to the Lakes to meet friends Ron and Ian we at least had the wonderful views and sunshine to distract us from the horror of the news from Manchester and remind us that God's  world remains beautiful and that so many good people came forward to help.

We had a lovely day seeing our friends lovely caravan and the site on the edge of Derwentwater. We had coffee, a short walk and then lunch before returning to their caravan for a cup of tea.

This is the view from the site showing Catbells looking very clear across the water and against the blue sky. Ron and Ian walked to it and climbed it yesterday. Well done to them.

We talked so much I really didn't take many pictures.

We stopped at K Village on the way back; it is more dismal than last time we went with more units closed though there did seem to be another cafe. Chris got the 'slippers' he wanted and I got some sandals in the sale,  the sales lady said that Clarks was closing soon too. It used to be such a busy place and well worth a stop.

An hour's hold up on the Aire Valley bypass between Kildwick and the Silsden roundabout on the way back meant I just got home in time to go to Singing Group hence I'm posting later than usual.

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