Light & sight

By CameronDP

Night lights

My neighbours to the right keep a pair of lamps burning in an extension on the side of their house pretty much 24 hours a day. I have no idea why - it can't do much for their electricity bill - but those lights have become twin beacons for me in the view from my living room window, especially on those (thankfully rare) nights when I cannot sleep.
I suppose it says something about how the extent to which I have become a blipper over the last 90 days that almost the first thing I thought this morning, when I woke up, stumbled into my living room in search of tea, glanced out and saw those ole lights still burning was..."Photo!"
If the shot itself looks a little bit hazy, it's a pretty accurate reflection of how awake I was at the time!
Wondering about the red and white figure in the upper left? It is not, as I first thought, some spectral Santa (the ghost of Christmas future?), but a combination of the emblem on the side of a bus shelter with something red...most likely someone going to work very, very early (5.42AM!).

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