We always feel that holidays are a sort of celebration, so with this in mind, we went out this morning and I decided I would just “go with the flow” and if something grabbed me, then I would use it for Abstract Thursday.

I do love beach huts and these on the beach at Budleigh Salterton have a beauty all their own.  Just before I took this photograph, a lady of about my age walked very gingerly down to the sea, to go for a swim.  Obviously she was used to doing this, as she had special shoes on, and rightly so, as the pebbles can be rather sharp.  The way she went into the sea told a story too - there was no messing about, straight in, cold or not - so Gold Star to that lady.  Reminded me of my friend in Guernsey who swims every day - and often in the sea.

Such a shame we didn’t bring our cozzies, but Mr. HCB said although it was warm in the sun, the sea wouldn’t have had time to warm up, so perhaps if we come again, we will remember them.

I have “faffed around” with this a little using my MobileMonet app and hope it will be acceptable for the Abstract Thursday challenge - and if not, I like it anyway and you will see that once again the talented and lovely Mr. HCB is part of the photograph.  

After having lunch on the beach, we came back home and read for a while before going out so that I could take some photographs of a beautiful wisteria on a house just up the road.  Just before taking the photograph, I spoke to a lady who was working in the garden, and it ended up with her inviting us into her garden to look around - we had a lovely chat with her and found out that she had come down to Budleigh Salterton from Lincolnshire about eighteen months ago to be near her daughter - what a bonus to chat with such a delightful and knowledgeable lady and a great finish to the afternoon.  There are some lovely people in the world! 

We have just finished our evening meal, so we are going out for another walk as it's such a lovely evening - we have to make the most of this beautiful weather.

After a visit to the beach,
     it’s hard to believe that
          we live in a 
               material world.
Pam Shaw

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