
By Tiebreaker

Defining The Moment, ALT Ephemeral ...

This is the title for the theme given us by SkiMe for today's mono Monday Challenge. Thank you so much SkiMe for your particular hosting of challenge and themes this month. It gave us a chance to think about photography in another way than gear, technics and processing. It was more about thinking about vision and background when ideas came into being (is that correct English?) in making pictures. And we made acquaintance - for the first time or renewed - with photographers who gave their vision and were recognized by showing the results in their photographs.

Today's picture is made in Leuvehaven Rotterdam at the part that's known as the Outside part of the Shipping Museum. A whole team of volunteers takes a lot of love to refurbish old ships and machines. These are, after refurbishing, moored and set up in Leuvehaven and can be visited by the public.

I went on this sunny and rather warm morning to the area of City Triangle and wanted to make a picture of (one of) the volunteers and show somehow something of the love and attention for the work they do so selflessly.

I found this man busy on a small vessel on the quay. he was preparing the boat for painting. I saw his concentration and found in his pose and the way his hand showed how he with care made the separation line between two colors his care for the object in preparing the paintwork ...

I stood there for about a quarter of an hour before I found I could make the picture. I assure you, the man never noticed me ...

As mostly best seen in large ... ;-)

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