Hairy Door Mat

In recent weeks our Hedgehog Hotel Restaurant has been raided by a mob of black slugs.  Now I don’t want to appear prejudice, but in one or twos they are not problem and can be fun however when they form gangs of tens and twenties and more they are not good news.  The young hedgehogs are not too fussed but the adults don’t like them at all and refuse to socialise and dine with them.  What’s more they eat the food put out for the hedgehogs and leave the dish slimy and almost impossible to clean.
We have looked for and tried many solutions to keep the slugs at bay without success, then today Mrs W found a blog suggesting the use of a ‘hairy doormat’.  Apparently one lady has been slug free for months (years) which can only be good.  I gather she feels a lot better for it.
Let’s hope the black slugs give up and go off to find some white slugs to eat – a very good reason not to kill the black slugs!  I will bring you up to date tomorrow after tonight’s feeding – assuming that I remember of course.

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