Friday in the city . . .

This is looking along the Avon river and towards the Bridge of Remembrance.  When I turned back to the street I could read Apirana Taylor's poem which has been inscribed on the terraces on the river bank.

Before me
A flotilla of leaves floats downstream
Along the inky black water of the Otakaro
How serenely they sail out of their past
And into their future
Behind me.

It may look a bleak day but it wasn't that cold.  We had a stroll through the container mall and were amused by the rebuild workers in either yellow or orange hi-vis jackets having their morning tea.
After an appointment in the city we returned to my daughters and spent the afternoon chopping down a tree that was taking over a corner of the garden.  It had Jasmine growing though it which was a tangled mass.  
Happy weekend everyone.   

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