Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


It blew a lot last night. I slept in my house under the stairs and every time I woke the wind was still shrieking outside and a couple of times I debated popping upstairs to see how the Boss and Bossess were doing but things were silent and I thought it was better to leave sleeping dogs etc etc.
Of course I went up at 6.30 and got a cuddle from The Boss's arm. That always works. They push the bedroom door almost closed so when I come up it crashes open and they know I am there and avoid the "wet nose" surprise.
It was still blowing after grub (mine) and The Bossess remarked that if we were going out, sooner would be better than later. I am a fan on that logic. So we went. We probably got plenty of blips as well as windburn and The Boss got some cute shots of me with horizontal ears. Oh I looked a really rugged K9, face into the wind and waiting for that elusive scent to get me away on another adventure rescuing something from a fate worse than having your hair cut. Hmmmmm
This afternoon The Boss went off with acyclinggranny AND without me to meet Mr and Mrs R with the little R's and Mum. Although the café normally closes at 4.00 pm The lovely owner (another R but not the same) said they could stay chatting so it was after 5.00 when The Boss staggered in (the wind was still blowing and they had been drinking hot chocs not the other), smelling of nice people. Did you know we can tell this? Well we can, and The Boss was radiating pleasure as I watched his debrief from under The Bossess's desk. Oh and on the way to meet them he encountered this, happening on the lake. So he had to decide whether to Blip this or one from the morning walk. Blippers face difficult decisions all the time it seems. I remained under the weather desk and dreamed of rescuing Golden Retreivers in distress.
Even more weather

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