
By Veronica


We looked at the weather forecast and decided today was a good day to go to Promaude, the local agricultural fair; sunny, but too windy to lend itself to lounging about. Thousands of other people had had the same idea; we arrived just after lunchtime and it was buzzing. Until a few years ago, the food on offer was pretty basic, but now there are dozens of stands offering local delicacies, along with pop-up restaurants serving three courses with wine (of course).

The activities included a rather wacky game where kids were inserted into large plastic bubbles (bear with me) and lined up in two teams. The guy in charge then launched a football between them and they had to try to return it to their own line. If you were too light, it was quite possible to end up turned upside down, requiring help to get your feet back on the ground. It was amusing to watch, as the kids rapidly forgot about the ball and just ran about ramming each other until they were exhausted.

More laughs at the dog agility contest, which catered for a range from poodles to mastiffs, with jumps raised and lowered as necessary. The poodles were actually rather good at it.

The ironworkers were back making something that looked as if it was going to be an armour-plated dragon. But they had a rather long lunch break, and shortly after they ambled back to work at about four o'clock it started spitting with rain. So after a few photos we left with our purchases: 2 kg of absolutely delicious cherries that we couldn't resist eating as we walked around, and a lovely bowl and salad servers made of bamboo and corn, from a lady doing very chic upcycling. There's a small album here.

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