Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Second 'cino of the day

We headed to Twickenham this morning for Ballet Boost. It was one of the two assessment days but that didn't seem to phase Carys.

Will and I whiled away some time in one coffee shop, wandered round Richmond and then ended up in Waterstones café. I had his Scooter with me and had intended to walk along the tow path, but the volume of people (for the Race for Life) and cold wind put pay to that idea.

Assessment outcome is that C will be moving up a class as of September. She's very excited, I am pleased for her as her hard work seems to be paying off, but also slightly apprehensive as she is still very young and will be with, in some cases, much older girls. I need to speak to the principal about it I think.

Had to field a number of questions about the events in London last night. Thankfully, in one way, neither of them seem to be worried by it. They don't understand why you would want to do something so vile (but then neither do I) but despite knowing where it happened and having both been there on a number of occasions neither questioned whether we will go back. We obviously will otherwise 'they' have won.

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