
I finished digging ....well this strip anyway! Took me a long stint in the morning with a brief stop to chat with Colourful Mai on her plot, a spot of lunch at home when the rain came and  then again late afternoon into the evening. That wheelbarrow and the pile next to it are all the roots of grass and raspberries I had to take out - the purple bucket and a pile beside and behind it are all the stones! just the large ones - I shall take out the smaller ones as the ground settles and they are exposed! 
So 7 squashes planted and 6 with protective cloches - heavy rain due so they need some protection! 
Now which side shall I start digging for the next  8 at home which are still too small to go in yet? Another week and they'll be ready! The two squash at the front will form round plants, the rest will rampage to the left I hope, so I guess it's the right hand side strip next! My extra shows my whole area - potatoes at the front and the foxgloves at the back left in front of my water butt with Heath Robinson rain chute, one of my composters, the garden bench and to the right a whole bank of raspberries behind which are my poppies and beans!  This should all keep me busy for the foreseeable future!!! 

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