Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Rest and be Thankful...

Thought when you see the sort of stuff I'm scanning you might understand my enthusiasm! Yesterday I mentioned I'd quite a few 'bus slides' to scan. Well I hope you can see from this example that they're not ordinary bus photographs but historical works of transport art!

Here the old road A83 has been recently realigned and a 1952 MacBraynes Bedford Royal Mail bus grinds and groans, dragging itself up above Loch Restil over the 'Rest and Be Thankful Pass' towards the summit, en-route for Carrick Castle way down the B828/839 on Loch Goil. Notice the old cast iron signs, telephone box (is it still there?) and a picnic going on beside a frail looking Sprite caravan behind what looks like a Vauxhall Victor Estate car. An old black Hillman? completes the scene.

A hard working bus in it's environment. In 1966 KGD905 was sold to a Rutherglen builder as workers transport and probably ended its days as part of a Glasgow landfill.

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