To The Batcave!

No difficulty deciding on a subject for today's blip. So sad to hear of the passing of the wonderful Adam West. He has been one of my greatest inspirations since about the age of six. Of course, as a child I just wanted to be a superhero, and many happy hours I spent drawing pictures of Batman and Robin. As I grew up, I became more inspired by Adam West, the man. In the many interviews I watched of his I was always enamoured by his delightful, self-deprecating sense of humour, his wit and his serenity. Above all, I loved the fact that he always treated his fans with the utmost love, respect and good grace. He never grumbled about the role of Batman dominating his career. Instead, he embraced it and, after a brief battle with alcohol, made a concerted effort to live up to the high moral and ethical standards associated with Batman '66. He knew he owed it to his fans to be as upstanding and friendly as the Bright Knight.

I have blipped this portrait before. A few years ago I challenged myself to draw 100 portraits in one year. I succeeded. Adam West's was the fifth portrait I painted after Larry "Buster" Crabbe, Amy Adams, Deborah Harry and Christopher Reeve.

Here's the great man talking about one of my most treasured possessions. So happy he got to see its release.

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