Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Stebbing It Up

I have been a fan of davidstebbing's journals since I started blipping. 
What I most love about his photographs, I think (I'm not completely sure, as I'm still trying to figure it out), is how he depicts human presence without actually showing people - at least in most of his images.

Two of my recent favorites are: 1 and 2.

This morning, while walking the dogs, I tried to imagine what David would see if he walked the streets of our neighborhood. It turned out to be quite a thrilling exercise, as it made me look at things I normally would have ignored. 

Not sure if David will be pleased to see this blip associated to his name. If not, I ask him to forgive me. It is not a homage. It is an exercise inspired by him in looking at the world from a different angle. I enjoyed it a lot.

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