Sky mirror

Had such a lovely lie-in this morning - the first one in so long!  I kept nearly waking up but then falling back into a deep sleep - total luxury :)  I think I'm fighting off Tim's cold, which is partly why I was so tired, but also totally worn out after yesterday's mega cleaning,

Finally managed to be up, showered and dressed a few minutes before midday - and then popped into Lewisham for a couple of hours while poorly Tim stayed home.  Spotted this broken cabinet mirror on the way and thought it was worth a couple of snaps on my phone.  Should've got my proper camera out really, but thought I'd have another chance on my way home - but it was gone by then.  Where to, I wonder?

After I got back home, I spent pretty much all of the rest of the day sorting through photos and starting to get a load ready to be made up into greetings cards.  Heading to bed soon while Tim waits up to watch the Montreal grand prix.

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