Return to the North

By Viking

Bee orchid

I headed out late morning for a walk (surprise, surprise!). It was blowing a bloody gale and of course I chose to walk the river bank (of the Humber) so I was walking almost horizontally to the ground. Alas the wind meant much of the wildlife was taking shelter somewhere. There was nothing visible on the water and the tits, warblers and buntings were staying well hidden in the trees and reeds. Did get a couple of decent shots of a butterfly but I have relegated them in favour of the bee orchid.
The bee orchid is rare in these parts and is thus protected at Far Ings. Areas are fenced off during spring to make sure they don't get trampled on and then as they come through the tape comes down and little orange flags are posted where they come up. These way people can still avoid trampling in them but can also go look at them (and in my case photograph them)
None of my shots were totally sharp due in part to the wind but after a wee play with the saturation ai felt this wasn't a bad shot :-)

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