JFK's 100th birthday

JFK would be 100 years old this year. Portland has an exhibit of photographs, letters, and memorabilia, and what moved me most was his letter to Myrlie Evers, whose husband Medgar was murdered by a white supremacist.

Dear Mrs. Evers:

I extend to you and your children my sincerest condolences on the tragic death of your husband. Although comforting thoughts are difficult at a time like this, surely there can be some solace in the realization of the justice of the cause for which your husband gave his life. Achievement of the goals he did so much to promote will enable his children and the generations to follow to share fully and equally in the benefits and advantages our Nation has to offer.


John F. Kennedy

I wept as I read the letter. JFK would be shocked to discover that we now have more black men incarcerated in the USA than were enslaved in 1850; and that white supremacists have taken over the federal government. 

I have not been able to look at the videos of the fire in London. Unbearable suffering. On the micro level, I am having another bout of migraines. Having overcome them for months, they are back, so my time here is curtailed for the moment. I’m hoping it’s just a brief flare-up.

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