snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


Anyway, normal day, forgot to take pictures until late, hence dog pic again. Food and dog, lazy blips, but the alternative is no pics and I need to keep trying, so dog and food pics it will be :)

Dogs do a lot of waiting. Waiting for us to do something, whether it is take them out, give them attention, food, play time, or just do something interesting.

Sometimes ours waits nicely and quietly - although she has ways to sit and let us know she's waiting (to go out, in this case, I think). Many times she whines - can't help it, her hope, expectation and need emotions are just impossible to contain - or sings, in great detail about the injustice of having to wait and why she should be getting said desired outcome.

It *is* singing, portuguese water dogs have extremely wide vocal ranges (or, in laypeople's terms, they "speak whale").

And if someone in the UK knows where one can find such a "squeaky ball on a rope" do tell me. This one is on its way to toy heaven soon. Needs to be properly on a rope ( build around it and moving, not glued) else they just don't last

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