Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


It took a while for the cloud to burn off, but when it did it was the scorcher we'd been promised.

I did a half circuit of the moor: Plain Side, Low Plain, Glovershaw, Weecher, Sconce and home. In particular I was looking out for Small Heath, they've been out for a couple of weeks but I hadn't caught up with any yet. On Low Plain I found plenty (extras), and again at Weecher and Moorside.

Plain Side is excellent for small birds, the saplings and bracken providing perching spots and the small ponds adding to the bug life. This is my most reliable local spot to find Linnets (main picture) but there are also plenty of Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting and Wren.

For moths, there were Chimney Sweeper and Yellow Shell over at Birch Close Lane and Silver-ground Carpet were everywhere.

For butterflies, apart from Small Heath, Large Skipper were plentiful and Meadow Brown were starting to appear. I glimpsed a couple of whites but too distant for an id and there were Speckled Wood wherever there were mature trees.


Butterfly Journal 2017

23. 17/06/17 Small Heath, Low Plain, Baildon Moor (VC64)

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