Star Players

So its Women in Sport Week this week and boy what a way to kick it off.
Many of you will know Mimi traveled with Junior Belfast Giants Under 16 Girls at the weekend to guest as their netminder at the BWIFT weekend in Swindon.

From the first face off to the final whistle the Belfast girls played with grit determination and a lot of style and looked great doing it. The competition was fierce and as a brand new team only formed in February/March enjoying their first competitive foray these amazing girls grew with every game, their confidence in themselves, in each other and a belief that they could compete with their vastly more experienced opponents.

Mimi was on fire all weekend focused and played her skates off, but all of this team did, playing for the pleasure of the game and pride in their team and it was brilliant to see then get better game after game.

The girls finished third in the round robin series of 9 games and then the third fourth playoff beckoned. Again the girls raised their game, two players down and short benched they had to work so so hard and they did... The game finished 1 - 1 an absolutely fabulous result with Belfast having had the better of the chances and hitting the bar but so to the dreaded penalty shoot out. Mimi just took it in her stride the first opponent raced in and deked Mimi who despite attempting to get back across her net the puck was buried in the top corner leaving her no chance. Her counterpart saved the first Belfast shot and the second rattled the post and flew out of the crease and was so so unlucky. Mimi skated out knowing she needed a save to keep the girls in the shoot out and she delivered again a fast approach and Mimi down in the reverse splits getting her outstretched leg pad to a thumping shot. Sadly another save from her counterpart and the 3rd place went to Swindon, a cruel way for it to end.

At the presentation of awards the Belfast Captain Kaitlyn Morrison picked up the most valuable team player for Belfast and then most valuable tournament player. Mimi was then announced as the most valuable net minder for the tournament, it was an amazing for them both and for Belfast to take the two tournament awards and thoroughly well deserved too. 

The photo shows the girls with their trophies and in addition Mimi also returned with a new stick and goodies too.

It would be easy to say that's all (s)he wrote but its not the case, this was a journey for these girls; to come out and experience competitive hockey as a ladies team, a chance to be part of their own team, a chance to raise the profile of women's hockey not just in Belfast but everywhere. A chance for them to come together and enjoy the sport they are passionate about, but to share friendship, fun and be part of the beginning of a new era for women's hockey.

To the girls who adopted Mimi as one of their number to the parents who made us feel so welcome but especially to Kate and Mo for all of their work in getting us all there for a brilliant and memorable weekend, we thank you... until the next time

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