Something grew

Up early but had a lazy morning until I headed to the allotment.

I dug up the tatties a woeful harvest, blighted. Still the plots are dug over and have manure on top now for the winter.

Picked brambles, got some beetroot and tidied up.

They have split the allotment into areas so I got my seed and onion order forms from one of the reps, not my one but at least I can get my order in.

Admired my sunflowers, one of the few successes this year.

We had a family brunch which was good fun.

Eco mum and I took juno for a long walk while eco daughter rode.

We headed back and watched eco daughter, she has really come on and is so confident now.

I headed home to make tea, we all sat together again and tried to organise some activities that are coming up.

A quiet night in.

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