The Pigeon Diaries

‘She doesn’t feed me. She prefers the little birds, the pretty Goldfinches and the Robins with their delicate table manners and their flashy colours. That’s ok, it’s her garden, and anyway I get to eat the leftovers that they carelessly drop from the hanging feeders.  Well, that is I used to get the leftovers. Then one day she put this pyramid cage thing around the bottom of the pole the feeders hang from. Now I know I’m not the smartest bird in the flock, but I just can’t work out how to get at the food any more. The squirrel figured it out in no time at all and sits inside the contraption, smugly eating the discarded sunflower hearts in front of me. The Jackdaws hang on the fat ball feeder and chuck crumbs all over the place, but not in my direction. If I balance on the edge of the thing, I can lean in just far enough to get a few scraps around the edge, but most of the food is tantalisingly out of reach. So I walk round and round and round the edge of the pyramid. One day I’ll work it out.’

For Hildasrose's pigeon challenge. 

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