Don Corlepony

"You back in my neighhhhhbourhood pointing that piece around again kid?" the Don snarled. He didn't want the wiseguy with the single barreled picture box to get hurt but he wasn't getting the message!

"Didn't Pony Capone warn you right last time you stuck your snout around here? Word is he felt sorry for your skinny ass and let you go with a warning..."

The wiseguy (no longer pale after getting a tad of windburn on Saturday) wasn't making any signs he was going to move, and the Don wasn't too impressed with his piece.

"You're Firing Blanks kid! You think this is grass I'm eating here? Look again - I'm digging you a hole boy and it ain't gonna be filled with dirt! Capiche?!"

The kid stood up, his knees wet. This is it, thought the Don, if the crazy kid thinks he's sending me to the glue factory he's got another think... but the kid was leaving, muttering something about bloody rain and horses not playing ball...

"Kid thinks it's a game of water polo." muttered the Don as he munched on grass, "Ain't no game kid!" he yelled after the Wiseguy. "Don't be showing that face round here again! It's not for the likes of you with your rainproof clothes and diet that doesn't include grass, with your fancy toilets and toilet roll and hand soap and clean beds and...."

The Don saw the rest of the gang had stopped eating and were staring at him strangely.

"Well it isn't!" he yelled. "Goddamned disrespecting me on my own turf." he muttered and went back to swatting flies with his wet tail.

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