Let There Be Light

By solli

The Grand Surprise

Nymphalis antiopa

I went to the store to get another gallon of paint, leaving the window open to air out the room. Upon my return I was greeted by the sound of wings fluttering against the dining room window!

I couldn't believe my eyes; it felt at first like Lenape came to visit me! But then I regained my senses to run for the camera, hoping the visitor wouldn't try to explore his surroundings. I'd never be able to catch him!

I was able to get him into a bell jar with a plate to keep him secure, took a few more pictures, then let him fly out the window. His markings have a beautiful purple irridescent hue in the sunlight. Hopefully I'll get an identification from the BAMONA website.

* I discovered that the butterfly is also known by older day names - Grand Surprise and White Petticoat and it is Montana's state insect. I love this information since it certainly was a grand surprise for me and Montana is one of my three favorite states!

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