If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Bempton Day 3

I almost gave this the title Wet Wet Wet!  Because that is what the day was!  It poured down during the night and continued during the day.  It was obvious the bird watching wasn't going to be good or pleasant.

So we spend the day in the 'van mainly talking about and roughing out a plan for a 2 week adventure next spring.  As the day went on the weather dried up enough for Clickychick and I to brave a walk down to the cliffs to a spot where we knew there would be Puffins.

On the way we got good views and shots of Swallow fledglings perched on the wire fence waiting for Mum and Dad to feed them.  However I couldn't have a visit to Bempton without using at least one Puffin shot.  So here it is.  As there was no feeding going on I am assuming it is a male loafing about while the female is sitting eggs.

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