Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

And Comet Makes Five // I'm sorry for Vanishing

Things have been...insane, to say the least.

I have a lot to share with you all. But first, I just want to make this blip and tell you all how very sorry I am and how much I love you all and have deeply missed you.

I have a few things to share with you.

Cosmo is alive and kicking! Though I'm gonna knock on wood to make sure I don't jinx myself in saying that.

He survived complete renal failure a year ago. His health is a bit more delicate now, so we're careful with him. But he still snuggles and loves and runs around and plays and is the snarky little bastard that he's always been.

It's officially been a year since I had all of my teeth removed! I don't have any dentures because we can't afford them. But! It hasn't been nearly as miserable as most people thought it would be or tried to convince me that it'd be. Yeah, I'd really love to have some dentures, but I can gum pizza like a freakin' champion, and I'm okay with that!

This is a recording I made that I'd really like you to listen to.

The next thing I'd like to share, is that I found a pretty damn awesome blogging community where you can get paid for being yourself and just blogging. It's based around a blockchain (cryptocurrency) and hard for me to explain. It is not a scam! And the community there is pretty awesome for the most part.

With all of the absolutely gorgeous photos you all share here, and all the great posts about your day that you write, I feel like using Steemit would be extremely beneficial to you all. The photography community there is alive and humming. You can enter contests to win real money (not a scam, I promise, they're held by photographers just like all of you). There are so many photography contests that it's absolutely insane!

It can be a little hard to get established, but if you sign up and tell me your Steemit name, I will do all that I can to help promote you and get you on your feet. I've been growing a decent following and community, I can help you out at least some.

This is my Steemit profile page

And the last bit of news that I would like to share for now is that we now have five cats. (We were back down to four after the genetic cesspool took Whiskey, the patriarch of Cosmo and Tuxie's family, away.)

This is Comet. He joined our family back in February. The method of which he came to us was unusual to say the least. He's still a kitten, but he's growing up fast! He and Nova are thick as thieves. He's special needs, like the rest of our boys. But that's okay. We love him and he's part of the pack.

If you want to read more about Comet, I've written two posts about him. You can read the first one here and the second one here.

Alright, guys. I think that's enough for this post. Lots of stuff to share, lots of stuff to do, lots and lots of catching up to do.

I love you all so very much. Please forgive my absence. I'm an idiot.

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