The loving cup

The morning was spent carrying out more survey in our local area. After a grey and gloomy start the sun came out in the middle of the day, while we were recording a very interesting field with a rich limestone grassland flora. This field was in arable production in 1999, but has been abandoned and allowed to colonise naturally, and now supports a whole range of wild flowers including Yellow-wort, Common Centaury, Marjoram, Wild Basil, Ploughman's Spikenard and Pyramidal Orchid.

The butterflies were definitely out in force - I think this is the best butterfly summer since 2013, which was exceptionally good. While Pete was sorting suction samples, I wandered round photographing the many species that were present, and managed to catch some courtship behaviour between this pair of Small Skippers and also between a pair of Green-veined Whites (see extra). Other species that were in evidence included Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Red Admiral and Small White (see extra).

We arrived back for a quick late lunch, and then Ben and I went into town, mostly to visit our favourite cafe, but I also managed to get my sunglasses tightened up and buy a new pair of cheap walking shoes,  exactly the same as my current pair which are super comfortable.

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