Gitama's World

By Gitama

Meet Beetle.......

....Who would of thunk it when I was blipping last night that tonight we would have another little guy in the house.
As I was checking out journals  I slipped over to dog site....Just to have a look....only looking. ...and there he was love at first sight....perfect......ticked all the boxes...a Frenchie x....(French Bulldog).
I woke Jaiya early and told her we had a long drive to go and see a dog.....bless her she was excited too.
I smashed my piggy bank with all the holiday money that I had been saving (there were a lot of coins and a hefty amount of notes).....BONUS! I had more than I thought.
(Don't worry Peter I will make it up ...we have a while to go yet).

I couldn't give the guy my white envelope stuffed with cash (coins n all) fast enough...It was even more love at second sight and Flynn and Beetle had an instant connection.

Its been a full on day and the only reason I actually took a pic was my Mum insisted.

Oh BTW the cat 'Sun' (Jaiya has finally made up her mind on a name......could change tomorrow....that's the prerogative of women I reckon) and Beetle get on famously.....and already there has been a cross over with food .....water bowls ...... litter trays and beds.
Things feel rather complete I have been experiencing 'Puppy Heaven' ...just so awesome  even though Im pooped and looking forward to bed.....its a tiring thing spending so much money. It was worth every penny.


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