Ashes, flowers and sea

Do you remember a guy that's been
In such an early song?
I've heard a rumor from Ground Control
Oh no, don't say it's true.

We wake, pack and depart - all before 7 - carving across the country in a miasma of animosity. At Lochgilphead we collect Hamish - all 6'7" of him - and the car becomes an even less comfortable space.

At Tarbert we connect with the funeral director who has been looking after Anne's ashes since the funeral 2 years ago. We dash to Tayinloan to meet with the rest of the family. Anne's friend, Monica, arrives with her niece. Louise and Rob arrive not long after. Johnny and Cameron are stuck in traffic. We can't wait - almost everyone's here and the ferry stops running at lunchtime.

As we reach the middle of the loch, the crew still the engines while we read lines from a poem, and mix flowers with Anne's ashes in the sound of Gigha. It's suitably grey and clammy. Spirits are not high.

Once w on Gigha we head for The Boat House and have a suitably upbeat meal. We toast Anne's memory with Prosecco and fill our bellies with the freshest of fish. Johnny and Cameron arrive as we finish. Rob, Louise, Monica and Norma depart shortly thereafter. The drizzle sets in.

We have a quiet night in - except for Hamish, who heads out to the hotel, on the piss and, newly single, on the pull. I visit Henri, who is baking cakes, and sample her Apple and Gooseberry wine. It tastes better with a bit of sugar.

We catch up on births, deaths and marriages. It has been a long time since Auchendinny Mains and though we bump into each other most years, we never normally get time to natter.

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