wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Good advice

So I gave a lot of thought this year about putting the flag out on the holder. See I am heartbroken. It makes no sense to me that the majority of people in the USA agree and support this nightmare. They have to or people would stand up and try to stop this craziness. Yet I see and speak with people who support this administration. I saw something the other day that said" I don't know why I have to explain how to be a decent human being to you"
Yeah I'm feeling that.
It's almost as if every manner ever taught has been abandoned. Some People have no manners, or filters, or an ability to humanize people and situations.
Was this always here and I didn't notice it? Or did someone pick up a rock and all these people crawled out.
There is also a fear. Knowing that a committee established by our president is demanding information from the secretary of states. They want our name, date of birth, last 4 of our social security number, our political affiliation and our voting records. Seriously. This scares the absolute life out of me. It catches my breath. Where is my country? Where are my rights? I am so scared. I refuse to let it obsess me.
But, I was disheartened.

My next door neighbor gave some sage words.
She said "don't not hang the flag because of the present, hang that flag proudly to honor your father's service, your uncle's death, and all the others who sacrificed to keep it flying." So I hung it. For them.

The desire to rock on the front steps with my hands over my ears screaming "make it stop" will not rear it's ugly head. I will not give in to this hate, this fear, this awful unreality of fear.

I am proud of my family members who are veterans and respect their sacrifice. I hope those sacrifices were not made in vain.

As I sit and hear the fireworks outside I reminded of the wonder of children as they stare at the magic lights, their belief systems still malleable and innocent and I pray with all my might.
And I hang the flag
For them.

Today I am grateful for friends that grab my hand and say............breathe. It's ok to be afraid and we'll be ok.
Thanks Sue.

Tomorrow is a new day. G'day Downunder and goodnight to the north.

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