Rooting for Andy

I love this display in our nearby florist's shop.

I committed a crime today. Having spent an hour at lunchtime gossipping in the Söderberg café on Broughton Street, Lizzie and I left without paying our bill! This only dawned on me when I returned to the flat.

Mr hazelh was **APPALLED**, not least because this is (at least) the second time I have done this. I rang the café from the house and said that Mr hazelh would call in later to hand over the cash. All was sorted soon afterwards.

In other news I hit the bottom of my email backlog, listed everything that I need to have finished by the end of the working day tomorrow, and made plans to complete a number of writing projects over the next few weeks.

Exercise today: sit-ups, weights and stretches; no proper walking to speak of (although I did do a runner!)

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