
By Jado

New toy

I should have posted something rather than just having a gap of 3 weeks or so, but Blip has been the last thing on my mind recently.  I was ill for a few days, then had an injury when hiking, then I had a friend staying so had no time, then had a lot of work to catch upon, then I had laptop problems ... And they say things come in 3's!

I have a load of photos still to process but I'll catch up in due course - and catch up on others' journals when I can.

So to today's Blip. My new toy is an ultra-wide rectilinear zoom lens (rectilinear basically meaning it isn't a fish-eye).  The shortest focal length is 11mm, which may not sound that wide if you are using a DSLR with an APS-C sized sensor, but on a full-frame DSLR it really is very wide.  And it is going to take some getting used to.  Notice the rectangular table in the front-right of the photo - you have to concentrate on every single item in the image, because if you don't have everything accurately framed and the camera dead level, then something will look a little weird.  It is good to be forced to slow down and really think about the image - but today was just my first go with the lens, and I was on a learning curve, but this lens has a lot of potential :-)

I need to thank all those lovely people who are asking me to do this rather well paid consultancy work - my new toy was not what you'd call cheap!

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