Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I haven't seen Denise for months. We got together for coffee and to catch up with each other's lives. We were both really tired but neither of us wanted to cancel. I caught her off guard with my camera but she didn't mind. 

D worked with me as a board member of the Democratic Women in Action.  She spent an entire year planning every detail of our final fundraiser, a fab fashion show.  As a result of her tireless efforts we pocketed $10,000.  It was used to support various causes like Planned Parenthood, donations to campaigns (especially those of women) and assistance to the County and State Parties.

We chatted for almost three hours. To say I was happy to see her would be an understatement.  It's always nice to catch up with old friends.
There's a 40% chance of a storm later.  Almost every day for approximately the next six weeks there will be a 10%-30% chance of rain posted in the forecast.  That's because it could rain on my side of the street and not on the other.  The monsoon is very fickle. 

Beginning with this blip, FotoAlex, who lives just north of me in Phoenix, caught monsoon lightning strikes on the 7th, 9th and 10th of July.  I've caught strikes only twice in 10 years, so I'm a bit envious.  :-)

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