Soon to be apple pie....

A customer was running behind today and asked if I could come back in 45 minutes.. Perfect time for a walk.. I saw two barn swallows, a robin, a few ducks and 6 apple trees... I was curious about them so I asked, This used to be a farm (like many areas) and when the property was developed for retail, all the trees were taken out but these 6 for no known reason... When they ripen its a race between the worms, the birds and the employees... I was told they make a great apple pie.. 

In the extra is a photo my mom took today. It is the house my grandpa built in Seattle. Only the edition on the left wasn't there when my mom lived there.. This is also the house that the loan papers prohibited selling the house to a "Jap". Yes even in Seattle there was a time that.. 

Tomorrow will be another one of those days where I am very glad I am on salary and no longer paid by the mile.. If things go right I should only be 5 or 6 hours in traffic.. 3 customers want deliveries at rush hour so they can deliver to their customers that day.. they also know we can only do so much...

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