Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

It's Bugsy's Turn!

Bugs felt he needed to be featured today, so I'm indulging him.

The way things are around here is this: The Husband is Bugsy's person, and I am Swee'pea's person. Thus, if we're both home the boys are together (often out in the workshop) and the girls are together (usually in the house). When doggie dinner time rolls around I generally prepare it and then have to go out on the porch to call Bugs in. Today the procedure was complicated by the fact that it was pouring rain as we were having a fairly dramatic thunderstorm. You can't really see it, but Bugs - running as fast as ever his little legs would carry him - was getting rather wet.

I must thank everyone for the many many congratulations and all the love showered on Swee'pea and my 1000th blip yesterday! Very exciting to be right up there on the popular page! Bugsy realizes that although he gets the rather nice 1001 number, he will likely have to make do with far fewer ❤️s. Life isn't fair.

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