MeriRand & the NW Passage

By randra


He picks the moments I need to be leaving to curl up and sweetly fall asleep. Jacaré has been hiding (I think) under my bed for the last half hour after the vacuum made an appearance. I put him through many trials today- we walked once more to the mailbox, and he did well. He was not feeling so comfortable sitting on my porch while I read the mail, so we came back inside. It's fun to orchestrate his exposure to things and try to get him comfortable. This cat has to learn to travel, or I don't know what I'll do with myself! I'm anticipating bike rides and road trips for starters... but he's got to get big enough to wear a harness... :)

He's pretty much worn me out. I was exhausted all day at work, but still managed to get enough done to not feel completely incompetent. Ahh life, how fabulous!

On that note, my dear partner in helium preservation turns 21 today! I'd buy you a balloon, but one of us might need an MRI someday...

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