
By TMac


A horrible, grey, dreich and miserable day.
A sick child off school.
An unidentified splodge on my camera sensor....

Off to Edinburgh (with sick child in tow - BAD mother!! I did buy him pizza for lunch and allowed him to share his lurgie with the Costco shoppers!!) to the camera repair shop.

Driving in the city is awful.
Then you have to park the car (in the pouring rain!!).
Then you have to find the exact change for the damned parking meter!
Thank goodness for lovely posh Morningside ladies....

12 minutes parking allowed Calum and I to look around with wonderment at the wall to wall cameras, lenses and other photographic paraphernalia!
Amazing...and tempting!

Three hours later and a freshly cleaned sensor and a slightly lightened purse, I realised my only chance of a blip was right there looking in the camera repair shop window whilst standing in the rain.

No time for fancy exposures or swapping lenses, so here it is.

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