Gate to Nowhere......

It was my last day's leave until September and a good day's weather forecast, so I went off for a walk. It's a walk I know well, so no map required.

I drove to Ilam Hall near Dovedale in The Peak District. I set off up Bunster Hill and across a few fields to Dovedale Wood. You come across this gate before you reach the wood. It appears to go nowhere but does indicate where the footpath goes.

The path winds down into Dovedale through the wood and you meet Ilam Rock at the bottom of the hill. I then walked along the River Dove to Milldale where I sat and had my lunch. I retraced my path back and towards the famous stepping stones, which you have to cross. I then walked back across a couple of cow filled fields to Ilam Hall. Stopping off in the village of Ilam for ice cream!

Not a bad way to spend annual leave.

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