
After shopping a shirt and few ties for hubby (in the extra you see the happy man), we had some sushi & chinese food, then wisited into Laukko Manor.

It is a historic mansion in Vesilahti, near Narva village. The manor was first mentioned in literary sources in 1416. In the 17th century, Lauko's fields were the largest of over 30,000 hectares. By 1817, Laukko belonged to the Kurki family. Since then, it has been owned by Törngren, Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, Haarla and the Lagerstam family is now the current owner.

A famous finnish poet has once worked here in history: Elias Lönnrot wrote the Kalevala story in Laukko.
A colourful history.
In Laukko manor there has been breeded race horses, by Juhani Lagerstam, for excample horse called Houston Laukko...

In the evening me and our son and hubby procedured some car cleaning. And we also had nice meal to celebrate son's entering into the IT-department of technical university.


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