An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


The day ambled along uninterestingly until 2.30pm when the troops arrived  (the troops being Ele, Kenny, Rosie and Kenneth) to discuss the issue of getting Alan into and out of the pool safely.

At the moment it takes at least four people to get him in, with some out the pool working the hoist and at least two, if not three in the pool supporting Alan as he's lowered in.   Then there's the scramble to get his feet in the large inflatable ring before moving it up into position around his middle.  Whilst all this is going on Alan is excited about getting in the pool so jumping about all over the place so it's quite a challenge.

After a very helpful group discussion, David, Ele and Kenny got changed into the swimming gear and we all went to the pool to practice what had been discussed with David pretending to be Alan.

After the successful transfer of David and a bit more discussion, it was time to try out the new routine on Alan, and I am pleased to say it was fairly straightforward.  One or two little tweaks and I think we may have a safe and easy transfer for getting him in and out of the pool.

Rosie is going to write the steps into a protocol to be used to train his team.  I am so excited that he will soon be getting regular access to his pool, instead of having to rely on Ele and Kenny being free to help at weekends.

Blip Pal Sleepyhead is coming tomorrow for the weekend.  Weather is forecast to be rubbish so not sure they'll be much chance for outdoor photography, but we're collecting the dvd of our wedding video tomorrow as well as the dvd of old cine film from my childhood, so may well bore him with that :-)))

Got a message on Facebook this morning alerting me to the fact it is 10 years today since I joined.  Ten years on Facebook!  That's mindblowing. 

As I said on FB this morning; Just thinking of all the time I've wasted on FB and what I could have done with it instead. I could've been a best selling novelist by now.  Or had my ironing up to date :D 

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