Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison

Bicycle Clock

I am in my office, spinning my wheels over a vexing issue that has come up on a file and now realising that it is growing dark and I've nothing to blip. So I've resorted to blipping what I consider to be the most interesting item within the walls of this office, the clock(s) on our boardroom wall.

This is a very special clock, one I purchased at a charity auction about a year ago right around the time that my law partner was beginning a year of commuting back and forth from France. J is an avid cyclist and this clock is a full sized antique bicycle with clocks between the spokes. It used to be set to show Toronto time and Paris time (although as I look more closely, I think I should change the batteries!)

While I would prefer to be home at this hour, my office is an important part of this crazy overstuffed life. I feel a lot of passion for what I do and doing it within these walls, as a partner in our own little firm, is a big part of who I am.

The boardroom is also reflective of who we are as well, with a watercolour of my childhood home on one wall and this bicycle clock on the other. It was just a little under 3 years ago that we opened our doors of this special little place, where I now sit in anticipation of my opponent's next move...

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