Sunset over Nacional road 332.

It's been a great day. I made some summer tops - check it out here - then we did groceries and took the dogs out. Then we made lunch ready and went to pick up Niklas from the airport. We were back home at 5 pm. Then lunch and off to the Cabo de Santa Pola to have a swim with a "million" other people. Luckily there was still space for us too. 

It was the first time Niklas has swum in the sea for 3 years. (That gives you an idea of the recent summers in Finland.) So he was happy to shed his "wintercoat" in 28°C water.

After that I've been obsessing over lack of a good photograph, cause I think it's my 5-year-day today. I'll see soon. So I'm drinking some sangria and going through my daily shots and nothing is good. This is okay. I took another without the cars, but I think the cars make the picture better. You realize it's a road between trees.

Tomorrow we plan to hit the sales in Elche. The guys need something to wear to a wedding and I need some new shoes. Desperately.

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