Bees, Bees and Blipper!

I met Harebrain at Trerice today! She was most amused on my reaction at seeing her as she knew how small I was but I didn't know how tall she was - talk about an odd couple! We headed straight for the Lavender Knot garden as rain was expected! We both had a Nikon and the same lenses - so out came the sigma and the task of capturing a bee began! With so many bees how come it was so hard?!! 
The rain came so we went for a drink and for me a slice of their famous Lemon Meringue Pie! There were 2 ladies bringing flowers in from the garden and making displays for the cafe tables - so of course we photographed them! They were very friendly and it was interesting to hear about their lives before they became flower arrangers! One of the ladies is entered in the London marathon - because she can do it in 6 hours at the age of 71 she gets a straight pass into the event! 
We headed out into the garden once more once the rain stopped, and her husband who had joined us as the place he had gone to visit was closed,took our photo in extra as it was a photo opportunity not to be missed! He then left and we had the rest of the day to play! Play we did! Hunting bees on teasels, sunflowers and alliums! When not engrossed in this we of course talked and talked and talked! Such an interesting lady and it felt like meeting an old friend! 
The rain came back so we had lunch and then went round the delightful house. It struck me anew what an amazing thing The National Trust is. So many different styles of houses, always with amazing gardens! We stopped in the shop and I found and bought the handy  folding kneeling mat that AH14 uses! Plus a heliotrope which I haven't owned for many years.
Back to the cafe for 2 cups of hot water to put my rhubarb teabags in! We sat in the sun and chatted before realising it was nearly 5 o clock and I had to collect the purchases that the shop was holding for me! By the time we left the place was empty! So we stopped at the Lavender again and took more bee photos! 
We parted at the carpark with the firm intention to meet again, and I gave her the eggs I had brought for her! Disaster! Two of them were from Gousto!  Free range still but not eggs from my girls! They all get put in my egg tray in order of age and I just took the freshest! Then as I was checking the others one slipped and smashed on the ground - and it wasn't even one of the Gousto eggs! 
Anyway - another very enjoyable blip meet with a tall, lovely blipper! 
Bees etc here!

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