The End of an Era

It was a big event last night: the retirement do of Carol, who had been with our company for 38 years (I know, she doesn't look like that's possible!). Chris came to join me (Annie) in Bristol to celebrate with her.

During the evening, there were show tunes sang by the lovely bar staff shown here - Carol was known for breaking into song whenever possible. Speeches covering her long and entertaining career, and presents. Then - many Proseccos.

It was a testament to her popularity that there were so many people there, including many faces from the past who'd come back to honour her. There were many laughs, and a few tears (from us, not her!).

Carol - you were the best boss and colleague ever to so many people and you'll be truly missed. The place won't be the same without you...

A quick iPhone snap - the evening was about her, not photography...

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