Horse poo and a lodge

We have it all in the Selwyn District. Actually we have a lot more horse poo than lodge signs. Not that I've counted them.

I pass these 2 signs most days. You could have a bit of fun with them, 'Horse Lodge', 'Broadfield Poo', and the inevitable 'Poo Lodge' :-)

Note the stellar blue sky. The mountains are cloaked in fresh snow and I noticed all the local puddles on the way up Rolleston this morning were frozen.

hpx is not up to running. That would have been fool hardy. It was too cold first thing for a walk either. As the day progressed I dragged myself through things including a trip to the hardware shop.

I've upgraded some light bulbs to LEDs and fitted a new more efficient shower head. How well I've fitted it remains to be seen. I turned it on and off but the real test will be when I shower.

Today's gratitude: Head colds aren't fun but I'm truly glad this isn't something worse.

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