FlowerFriday28 A hasty blip

Today was a busy one  as we had planned an afternoon out with Violet to meet up with her little friend from TumbleTots.  I managed to do some household chores after she had arrived this morning and take some quick shots of my supermarket flowers only to find Violet fast asleep on the landing just 15 minutes before we were due to leave!  We managed to rouse her enough to get her in the car and by the time we arrived at our destination, she was awake and raring to go. 
Forty Hall Estate was unknown to me, I'm ashamed to say, although it is only about 40 minutes by car from us.  We met up with Violet's TT friend and her Mummy, who visit the grounds regularly, and had a splendid afternoon, where the girls played and played, thoroughly enjoying the freedom of the beautiful grounds, until the rain and wind caught up with us and it was time to leave.  If you want to know more and live in reach of Enfield, then just follow my link.
My extra shows Violet and Sonia setting off for the gardens together.

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