Last light on the Lindis Pass

A weekend away is just what the Doctor ordered, I still have a reasonable amount of discomfort in my leg but feel mentally refreshed. Both hpx and Marie must have recognised I needed a break ( could be that Women intuition thing) We stayed in a comfortable unit in Roxburgh last night but the single panel heater had a job and a half to heat the place up,  it was only -5 c overnight brrrrrrrrrr. Today we traveled back home via Queenstown, the Sweet shop in Arrowtown over the Bosses Highway to Tussock Town, looked at THE Tree and it still has dry feet and then over the Lindis Pass heading for home. We stopped along the Lindis pass in a couple of places and captured the last light on the snow covered hills before the night set in. I loved the scenery especially the snow. I got my quota of Dutch Liquorice to keep me going for a few days :). My extra is  Nick and Sarah on top of the Crown Range

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