When I went out into the garden this morning to search for something tiny, I was upset to see that a lot of the flowers on the Trombioncino courgettes are falling off and Mr. HCB doesn’t know why - perhaps they have had enough rain and now need some sunshine - however they are still climbing well and are way above the frame.

I love picking vegetables and just eating them raw - I know that perhaps I should wash them first, but they are all organic, and taste good straight from the plant so this morning I picked one or two of the purple Mangetout Shiraz peas and ate them whole.  

Some of them have “filled out” and now have peas in the pod, which made me think of the simile “Like two peas in a pod”, meaning that two peas in a pod are almost indistinguishable.  These peas are still quite small but they were so sweet and tasty and I didn’t stop to see if they all looked the same and after all, it does say on the packet “best harvested and eaten young just as the peas start to form”.

However, I decided to bring one of the pods indoors and photograph it for Tiny Tuesday - and here it is, complete with five peas.  I think with all the beans, round courgettes and mange tout peas Mr. HCB has harvested, we will be having another stir fry for our evening meal, but of course, it is all very healthy and as I forgot to get any meat or chicken out of the freezer, it will be a vegetarian meal!

“If you don't like peas,
     it is probably because 
          you have not had them fresh.
It is the difference between 
     reading a great book 
          and reading the summary on the back” 
Lemony Snicket : Shouldn't You Be in School?

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