
By jellycat72

Soggy, but happy...

Eigg really knows how to do rain.

I woke at 6 to the sound of the rain and music. I woke again at 8 to the music finishing and more rain. When I got up to walk across the field to the compost loo - parts of the field were flooded, and at the burn, the stepping stones were covered and the trickling burn now resembled something people would happily kayak down!

It rained and it rained. Eventually though, it eased off, and we quickly packed up the tent and bag of sodden clothes and headed over the field, to try and get back across the stream.

We tentatively made our way across, and were helped by a group of folk on the other side, who'd already helped each other over. Finally, with soaking feet and boots, we squelched our way to the tearoom, where we sat in the sun for a couple of hours, enjoying the heat, fried egg roll and the thought of dry socks and trainers once we'd made it back to Arisaig.

As we left Eigg, we were piped out to sea, with the sun shining and the sky a brilliant blue.

Thankfully, the crossing was calm this time. Once back at the car, it was time for dry feet, and then the plan was to drive (slowly) home.

But, about an hour into the journey, the weather got decidedly worse. Around Glencoe (unsurprisingly) it got so dark, the satnav changed to night mode. The wipers couldn't keep up with the rain, the road was under water, which meant we kept aquaplaning....and I was tired and hungover. It was a horrible drive. We decided to stop at Tyndrum again for a break and decide what we should do next.

After some food and (using their wifi again) research, Iain managed to get us booked into a hotel in Killin, 15 miles away.

A slow drive. Check in. Hot showers. Harry Potter on the tv. Bed.

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