
By Beewriter

Going Topless!!

I always leave everything until the last minute and today was no exception....I had to sort the insurance, clear out my old car and then find all the paperwork I needed to take with me. I managed it and then raced off to MIni only to find that I hadn't got the right Log Book...sigh. 

I said I would search high and low for it when I got home...I'm not very organised when it comes to filing...or order another from the DVLA. I drove my new baby home and turned everything upside down and thankfully found it. I drove back and James gave a sigh of relief. Now I need to tidy all the papers scattered everywhere. 

I managed to get a topless drive in between showers....fabulous!!! When I arrived home tonight Jennifer was there so we sat in her garden and chinked a couple of glasses or so of wine to celebrate. 

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