
By mollyblobs


Wild winds prevented me from getting on with my planned fieldwork, so much of the day was spent in the garden, cutting back plants that had finished flowering and trying to remove some of the more obvious weeds. 

There's still a reasonable amount of colour, which will improve as we move into September, but as there are a few gaps Pete and I went out to see if there were any cheap and cheerful plants to provide an extra splash of colour for Lizzy's birthday barbecue.  

Notcutt's was a disappointment (some lovely plants but all rather pricy) but B&Q had clearly over stocked on Pelargoniums, which were significantly reduced in price.  We selected a few cheerful-looking plants and also bought this rather pretty Nemesia, which always seem to do well in our garden and often last for several years, sometimes even self-seeding. Some faffing has taken place.... 

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